December 8, 2021:
PUC Rules Against Marple Township and Delaware County
in favor of PECO
On December 8, 2021, the Pennsylvania Utility Commission delivered an Initial (Recommended) Decision in favor of PECO, stating, in part:
This decision approves of the Petition of PECO Energy Company for a Finding of Necessity Pursuant to 53 P.S. § 10619 that the Situation of Two Buildings Associated with a Gas Reliability Station in Marple Township, Delaware County, Is Reasonably Necessary for the Convenience and Welfare of the Public. This decision finds that PECO has met its burden of proving that the buildings should be exempt from Marple Township zoning because the propose situation of the buildings is reasonably necessary for the public convenience or welfare of the public. To read the complete decision, search the documents at the PUC website: |