Delaware County Court of Common Pleas
Returns PECO Case to Marple Township
WHEN: THURSDAY, NOVEMER 4, 2021; 7PM WHY: Marple Zoning Hearing Board will supplement the record and introduce [new] evidence. BE THERE TO SUPPORT THE MARPLE ZONING HEARING BOARD AGAINST PECO, AND PROTECT THE CORNER OF SPROUL AND CEDAR GROVE ROADS. On August 27, 2021, Judge Whelan, presiding over “Peco Energy Company v. Marple Township Zoning Hearing Board”, sent the case back to the Marple Zoning Hearing Board (MZHB) "...for an additional hearing at which time [MZHB] may supplement the record and introduce evidence as set forth in [PECO’s] Motion. [PECO] may have an opportunity to respond at said hearing.” WITH THE CASE RETURNING TO THE MARPLE ZONING HEARING BOARD, PECO WILL AGAIN COME BEFORE THE MZHB. THE RESIDENTS OF MARPLE TOWNSHIP NEED TO BE THERE TO SUPPORT THE MARPLE ZONING ORDINANCE. According to Judge Whelan, the purpose of this hearing is to “supplement the record and introduce evidence” that will be submitted to the DelCo Court. Judge Whelan will review the evidence and testimony given at the MZHB meeting, and make his decision based on the facts.“...And if this [is] basically a fear of the unknown, then PECO will win. If Marple can demonstrate to this Court that there is a legitimate concern over detrimental health to the residents of Marple, then Marple will win” The MZHB meeting on NOVEMBER 4th at 7PM “...shall be limited to Marple Township’s presentation of evidence regarding the concerns related to the general health, safety, and welfare of the public...”, and the public in general will NOT be permitted to speak. However, it would be good for a large number of residents to attend this meeting, in order to let PECO, the Marple Zoning Hearing Board, the Marple Commissioners, The County Commissioners, and Judge Whelan know that this is still an important issue to us, and that we support the previous (October 2020) decision of the MZHB on this matter. In order to review any of the public documents in the trial in the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas: