Marple Township and The Intervenors, through their counsel, have filed their appeals to the Commonwealth Court, The appeals are available on our Files and Notes page.
Many thanks to the Marple Commissioners
and Concerned Residents
Many thanks to the Marple Commissioners and the many concerned residents who sent emails and/or came out last night (Monday, October 14) in support of the Corner of Sproul and CedarGrove Roads. There were about FIFTY people in the audience, who responded enthusiastically to the Commissioners' vote (7 - 0) to support the Township's Appeal to the Commonwealth Court.
The Marple Township Commissioners heard from all of you and they responded to uphold our constitutional rights under Article 1, Section 27 of the PA constitution. Our rights to clean air, pure water and to preserve our PA resources for future generations will now be appealed to the higher court. The case (P-2021-3024328 at the PA PUC) involving Exelon/PECO against Marple Township has been going since early 2020, and this will be the second appeal to the Commonwealth Court.
The deadline to file an appeal to the Commonwealth Court is about ten days away; when the appeals have been filed, another email will make those documents available.
Thank you again for all your emails and presence last night at the Township meeting! It does make a difference !!!
The issue of PECO’s proposed Gas Expansion Plant at the corner of Sproul and Cedar Grove Roads is not a done deal. Here’s a brief chronological review:
Also, Yard Signs are again available. Please send an email to [email protected] if you would like to have a new free "Say No To PECO Gas Expansion Plant" MarpleSafe Yard Sign to show Community Support. Subject = "Yard Sign"; include your address.
Donations are always appreciated; please see for details.
Thank you for your support,
Lora Snyder and Ted Uhlman
The Marple Township Commissioners heard from all of you and they responded to uphold our constitutional rights under Article 1, Section 27 of the PA constitution. Our rights to clean air, pure water and to preserve our PA resources for future generations will now be appealed to the higher court. The case (P-2021-3024328 at the PA PUC) involving Exelon/PECO against Marple Township has been going since early 2020, and this will be the second appeal to the Commonwealth Court.
The deadline to file an appeal to the Commonwealth Court is about ten days away; when the appeals have been filed, another email will make those documents available.
Thank you again for all your emails and presence last night at the Township meeting! It does make a difference !!!
The issue of PECO’s proposed Gas Expansion Plant at the corner of Sproul and Cedar Grove Roads is not a done deal. Here’s a brief chronological review:
- 2019: PECO announced plans for the Gas Expansion Plant, aka “Reliability Station”
- 2020: Marple Township refused permits for the facility, and PECO went to the PUC to negate the need for permits.
- 2021: The PUC ruled in favor of PECO, allowing the facility to be constructed, and Marple appealed that decision to the Commonsealth Court.
- 2022: The case made its way through the Commonwealth Court, with Oral Arguments in Pittsburgh on November 12
- 2023: On March 3, the Commonwealth Court remanded the decision back to the PUC for reconsideration, with consideration of Article 1, Section 27 of the PA Constitution. The Remanded Proceeding began on June 21st, and the record was closed on January 5, 2024
- 2024: The Record was closed on January 5, 2024, and the Initial Decision was handed down on April 3, 2024. The final decision was delivered on September 26, 2024. The Marple Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting on October 14, 2024. Please attend the meeting and encourage the commissioners to continue to support this fight to protect the Corner of Sproul and Cedar Grove Roads from PECO’s Gas Expansion Plant.
Also, Yard Signs are again available. Please send an email to [email protected] if you would like to have a new free "Say No To PECO Gas Expansion Plant" MarpleSafe Yard Sign to show Community Support. Subject = "Yard Sign"; include your address.
Donations are always appreciated; please see for details.
Thank you for your support,
Lora Snyder and Ted Uhlman
Since June 15, 2022, over $900 has been collected. It's a good start, but the goal is to pay for printing, travel, legal fees, and expert witnesses to support the defense of the Cedar Grove Corner.
Since June 15, 2022, over $900 has been collected. It's a good start, but the goal is to pay for printing, travel, legal fees, and expert witnesses to support the defense of the Cedar Grove Corner.